Third place! Tyler Mayle, Dakota Mayle, and Dane
Tyler Mayle, being silly!!!
Posted by Beth 'n Ralph Williams at 7:40 PM 3 comments
My boys were privileged to be a part of the BLBS Mock Election of 2008. Darren was campaign manager for John McCain(Reagan Titus), and Dane was a security guard. They sure played it up big with a limo, police escort with sirens, the works. Everyone even got to vote. We had speeches from many important people including Stan Burchardt, Ken Kurtz, JJ Hodshire( campaign manager for Tim Walberg), Bruce Caswell and several others. Darren cracked everyone up with his intro of John McCain, check out the video clip, but I was very proud of him for being able to get up in front of all those people and give his speech. For more of the mock election, go to
Posted by Beth 'n Ralph Williams at 1:57 PM 3 comments