Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bob has really done it now, he chewed through the gas lines of our grill. Boy, Ralph wasn't too happy with him. I think Ralph is really starting to appreciate Frank. It cracks me up though that Bob is where ever Ralph is . He just loves him. It really bothers him when Ralph is mad at him.

Darren posted some video clips of the drama on his blog. So if you didn't get to see the play, you should check them out.

Darren and I got his short story done tonight for Convention. Can you believe Darren actually had WAY too many words. Most kids can't seem to have enough words. So I helped condense it down to about half of what it was. Now, we just have the research paper and the photos to do.

Oh, I thought everyone might enjoy this picture of the boys on MisMatch day. Aren't they beautiful?


Candy Girl said...

Ha Ha Bob is funny and Darren and Dane look lovely!!!Can't wait to see you!!!

MOM said...

Tell Ralph I think his son, the white four legged one, looks a lot like him too. Ha, Ha, MOM

Anonymous said...

Darren and Dane look lovely and Ralph better be nice to Bob. He didn't mean to chew the gas line, it was an accident. Chris